2014년 12월 1일 월요일

About Abandoned Dogs and Cats

About Abandoned Dogs and Cats

My online talk show's topic is about abandoned dog&cat.
My partner is Sophia. We will talk about abandoned dog&cat.
Nowdays, there are many dogs and cats in the road.
They are usually given up by their master. Given up them are taked abandoned dog shelter.
Fortunately, some people adopt them, but if they aren't adopt, they will be taked
assisted suicide.

At fisrt, we will talk about abandoned dog&cat's real condition and then Sophia's experience
and my experience, finally we will ask your thinking about this topic.

 I'm interested in dog and cat, so we talk about this topic deeply.

2014년 10월 19일 일요일

How About Delicious Fall Fruits?

Delicious Fall Fruits

  Foods are most delicious when in season. In season produce are cheaper and tastier than out-of-season foods.

 So, what fruits and vegetables are in season right now?


  Benefits of apple
  •   Apple  contains good quantities of vitamin-C and beta-carotene. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant.
  •  Apples are low in calories. 100 g of fresh fruit slices provide only 50 calories, and contain no saturated fats or cholesterol.
  •  Apple contains lots of fiver, if you can't go to the bathroom or you just can't stop, apples fiber can help .
* If you want to serve apple slices, rinse slices in water added with few drops of fresh lemon .


 Most pear have paper-thin skins which are not easy to peel. But pear is a sweet fruit, most people like to eat this fruit.

 Benefits of pear
  •  Pears are good source of water-soluble fiber,  When you go to the bathroom pear fiber can help you!
  •  Pear is good for women because pear have more iron content than other fruits.
  • Drinking pear juice is best way to fever down quickly.
*Boil two Chinese pears  with some honey and drink warm, this pear juice healing for the throat and the vocal cord.


Benefits of Lemon
  •  Lemon is also frequently used in dental care. its good for toothache, and bad smell.
  • If you drinks lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it can help loss weight .
  • Lemon contain lots of Vitamin, it helps cure the common cold.

*Every morning drink a glass of warm lemon water drop some lemon slice. 

2014년 9월 28일 일요일

Itu전권회의 the International Telecommunication Union

  • 국문 
    2014 국제전기통신연합 전권회의
    단문 명칭 
    2014 ITU 전권회의 또는 2014 부산 ITU 전권회의
    2014 International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary Conference
    단문 명칭 
    PP-14 또는 PP-14 Busan
  • 2014 ITU 전권회의(PP-14)는 UN에서 가장 오래된 국제기구인 국제전기통신연합의 최고위급 의사결정회의로서 아시아에서는 20년 만에 한국에서 열리게 됩니다. 오는 2014년 10월 20일부터 열리는 2014 ITU 전권회의에서는 193개 ITU 회원국의 장·차관급 정부대표단
    참여해 세계 정보통신 분야의 현안과 미래 정책 방향 논의하고 회원국 선거를 통한 사무총장과 사무차장, 3개 부문(ITU-R/T/D) 국장, 이사국, 전파규칙위원회 위원 선출 그리고 ITU 헌장과 협약, 규칙, 결정, 권고, 결의의 제정과 개정이 총 3주간의 회의 기간 동안 이루어 집니다.
    향후 10년 동안의 세계 ICT 흐름을 결정짓는 중요한 회의인 동시에, ICT 엑스포, 글로벌 ICT 컨퍼런스, 스마트 한류문화 축제 등
    대규모 특별행사를 개최해 전 세계인이 함께 즐길 수 있는 ICT 축제 한마당이 될 것입니다.

  • 일정·장소
    2014.10.20.~11.7(3주간), 부산시 벡스코 일원
    150여명의 장·차관급을 포함한 정부대표단 3천여명 및 ICT 엑스포 등 특별 행사 참관객 30만여명 예상
    ICT 엑스포, 글로벌 ICT 컨퍼런스, 스마트 한류문화 축제 등 대규모 특별행사 개최 예정

    About ITU

    As a UN specialized agency on ICTs(information and communications technology), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) leads the development and global diffusion of ICT and networks by managing international radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits and by developing technological standards in telecommunications.
    The world's oldest international organization, which started as the International Telegraph Union established in 1865 to promote cooperation in Europe in the field of wire telegraph and became a UN specialized agency for telecommunications in 1947.
    • Improvement of the quality of communication services, technological standardization, allocation of radio-frequency and satellite orbits
      • Distribution and allocation of radio frequency spectrum to prevent harmful interference between radio stations of different countries
      • Registration of radio-frequency assistance of any associated orbital position in the geostationary satellite orbit or of any associated characteristics of satellites in other orbits
      • Facilitation of global standardization of telecommunications, with a satisfactory quality of service
      • Promotion and offer technical assistance to developing countries in the field of telecommunications
      • Foster collaboration among Member States and Sector Members with a view to the establishment of rates at levels as low as possible consistent with an efficient service.
      • Promotion of the adoption of measures for ensuring the safety of life through cooperation of telecommunication services
      • Studies, development of regulations, adoption of resolutions, formulation of recommendations and opinions, and collect and publish concerning telecommunication matters
      • Extending of telecommunication services with international financial and development organizations for the most isolated areas in countries
      • Facilitation of cooperation with regional and other organizations for the fulfilment of the purpose of the Union

    Organization and Major Meetings

    The General Secretariat and the three bureaus of Radiocommunication, Telecommunication Standardization, and Telecommunication Development